3 years ago
LET GO.🤲🏽 While meditating on this final night of the March #FullMoon cycle, I heard these 2 words so clearly. And so, I am now completely in a state of RELEASE. 🌕 Supposedly the energy of a full moon lasts for 3 days. During that time, I’ve been listening to my highest levels of intuition & "reading the tea leaves" as my daddy would say🤣🥰 🌕 I KNOW that I’m on the verge of things bigger than I ever used to imagine for myself. I know that to reach those things, I have to make space for them. 🌕 I wouldn’t call myself a hoarder, but I will admit I have a hard time letting go of things, especially if they truly mean something to me. I have an even harder time letting go of people🥺 🌕 It ain’t gonna be easy, but it is the path I must go. It is the #PathofLeastResistance I will continue to forge ahead, toward the abundance that eagerly awaits me. 🌕 Those things which I have called forth from vibration into being, are ready to manifest in the physical. I am making room to receive. 🤲🏽 (Isn’t it funny, the hand position used to release something back into the world, is the same one expecting something new to arrive🙃💛) 🌕 With love & gratitude for all that has been in my life, good AND bad......I LET GO of what no longer serves my highest good. 🙏🏽 #AndSoItIs 🌕 #KiyaRoberts #ZakiyaKiara #moon #release #contrast #siftandsort #nomixedenergy #clarity #receivingmode 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕
Soo sooo real
3 years ago
Well said Scorpio sister ❤️
3 years ago
Caption 🔥🔥🔥
3 years ago
3 years ago
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2 years ago