3 months ago
I’m going to try and start posting about wicked stuff in my life abit more….. this comes to mind. Back in 2020 I had the privilege of helping make @hauntthewoods latest record Ubiquity alongside @peterproducer at @middlefarmstudios This record took a few weeks to complete and we did it in 3 chunks if I remember correctly. I’ll never forget tracking acoustics together for the album title track all sat in the live room. Over this time I became super close with the band and eventually went on to join them on a headline tour as there 3rd guitarist. @peterproducer has done an impeccable job on this album that is out now for all to hear. @hauntthewoods are also starting there UK Tour Today!!!!! Go get some tickets and check these legends out they don’t disappoint Love and Light to All #hauntthewoods #middlefarmstudios
Yes izzi! I love you so much bro xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3 months ago
3 months ago
Beautiful x
3 months ago
3 months ago
3 months ago
Love this Izzi..❤️ It was a golden time you had... And the tour with @xkooksx along too... I Love this album... I love the artwork... A stunning piece of work 🙌🙌🙌
3 months ago
yes share more 🥰 love to see it
3 months ago