3 months ago
Foggy morning walk! (Spring where are you?)
Number 4 looks like you'll need to bring a boat for your walks. 😂 Stunning atmosphere though and lovely pictures! ❤️
3 months ago
Well, I saw spring yesterday here in Germany. No clue about its current whereabouts, though. 🙈
3 months ago
Spring is like a woman, it takes a long time to gather, it is always late, but it comes beautiful, colorful and with a pleasant smell, so it is worth waiting for it 😁
3 months ago
Beautiful 😍
3 months ago
Spring seems to be arriving later and later .. we are all sick of the rain here in England and just want some spring sunshine 🌞 x
3 months ago
I stole spring. Mine, all mine! 😂
3 months ago
I was going to share a spring pic, but apparently I only dreamt that I took a picture of my daffodils in full bloom. 🙃
3 months ago
these feel so soft and lonely. maybe it’s the muted grays and the fact that the figures are fewer and the ones that are there are so far away. maybe it’s just how i’m feeling today. thanks for these longing looks toward the spring we’re waiting for.
3 months ago
3 months ago
Texas! Not foggy but rain and bigger storms around. Looks very cool there!
3 months ago