3 months ago
Anxiety - (pronouned ang·zai·uh·tee) a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. The #1 dream killer because all connects to self-doubt, second guessing, disregard, carelessness, lack of heart/drive, panic, doom….the list goes on. Something I struggle handling at times. Social anxiety? Being scared that you’ll be judged because you are different from the crowd? Business anxiety? Being fearful if your business will fail and won’t breakeven or make bank? Your own future anxiety? Not knowing if you will ever have a shot at achieving your lifelong dreams and see that everyone is ahead of you? BUT there is another definition for anxiety - strong desire or concern to do something or for something to happen. This is the very definition helped me dictate on the actions made to push the array of negative connotations in life itself. Social anxiety? Screw those who judge based on your AUTHENTIC self, better to be hated for who you are than who you are not. Business anxiety? Keep your self accountable on top of your business plans and don’t be so negligent on the work required to do so. Your own future anxiety? The fear will always be there but the work, the sacrifices, the grit, suffering & the repetition will dictate your future through the storm. Envision where you want to be and just do the fucking work. We all have a different cadence and have different timelines to make it there. I’m no poet, just something I’ve been thinking about in recent times of reflection during my younger days VS now, hopefully you can relate to it take a small piece out of it. Courage is being scared and saddling up anyway - John Wayne. . . . . . . . . #bodybuilding #gym #motivation #strong #muscle #life #lifestyle #food #train #trainhard #work #workout #explore
3 months ago
Love this!🙌🏻🔥
3 months ago
3 months ago
More of this big brain thoughts please 🙌
3 months ago