3 months ago
hot take: fruit is NOT the enemy we’re constantly hearing about the dangers of sugar because of the unnecessary amounts added to our food (hello, drinks with 87g of sugar at Starbucks), and sometimes I hear fruit lumped into that category to avoid. but I’ve found that fresh fruit (especially lower glycemic options) is a vital part of my diet with pcos. 🍒 and yall, starfruit is one of the most underrated fruits! it’s SO naturally beautiful + delicious, and I especially love it for women with PCOS. ✨ starfruit has a lower glycemic index, meaning it has less of an impact on blood sugar levels (which we love!). ✨ it’s rich in antioxidants and vitamin c, which can help reduce inflammation and prevent chronic low-grade inflammation associated with conditions like PCOS. ✨ it’s also packed with dietary fiber, which is so important for all of us when it comes to digestion and blood sugar levels. if you haven’t had one yet, I’d describe it as a crisp floral apple and almost grape combo (?!?) — super refreshing and aesthetically pleasing 🌟 Have you tried starfruit? #whatieatinaday #pcosdiet #starfruit #wellnessjourney #wellnessblogger #healthytips #healthylifestyle #dairyfree #pcos #healthyswaps #healthyeating #glutenfree #soyfree #healingjourney #hormonebalance #pcoslifestyle #healthysnack #wellnessaesthetic
👏Yumm used to eat them a lot when I was little, fun fact in spanish it’s called carambola which is so weird starfruit it’s so much better!
3 months ago
LOVE fruit always and forever ☺️I need more star fruit in my life !
3 months ago
This looks so flavorful😍. Such a great reminder to add this fiber enriched fruit in our routine🤍.
3 months ago
I’ve never tried!! 🙊
3 months ago
Caption 👏👏👏
1 month ago