1 month ago
This past week was FULL. 1. Good company. 2. Paula Paula Paula. 3. Family/Nominees(!) 4. MOTHER 5. @elizayerry @matthewmonzon & @itsmatin taking care of me. 6. Obsessed. 7. Opening night present from @realgavincreel that I live in at the theaters. 8. Riverside park with my kiddo. 9. Trader Joe’s Flowums. 10. Have you voted???
1 month ago
thank you for the voting reminder!
1 month ago
1 month ago
So excited for you!!! Giant congratulations to all 3 nominees 🎈♥️♥️♥️
1 month ago
Tony noms so well deserved! Loved your phenomenal performance!
1 month ago
Best Play! Best acting.
1 month ago
Wow! Congratulations Celia! ❤️🔥❤️🔥
1 month ago
whoop whoop , all the love!
1 month ago
👏👏👏 Well earned
1 month ago
So deserved🤍
1 month ago