2 months ago
HMCC Sussex 012: Pulborough Harder On The Strings Of Your Martyr Meeting at 09.00 (or thereabouts) at Barnham station. We’ll clamber across the West Sussex countryside via gravel tracks, bridleways, and a dab of asphalt here and there. This route is not obscenely hilly for the South Downs, but it’s not exactly flat either. A more important factor is that the route does not pass close to any major towns, so riders should be suitably prepared with spares, snacks and a self-sufficient attitude. We’ll have a pub stop along the way, but that will mean we don’t want to hang around too much along the route. As always, a pub finish for some recovery bevarages. There are a handful of trains arriving at the right time, which should serve people travelling from Brighton and London pretty well.
Bravo for that title 🙌🏻
1 month ago