1 month ago
May the chaos of Rooster Teeth live on forever 🫡
Rooster Teeth thank you for the best 21 years of content in recorded in history, Internet or not You guys have created the best laughs the best moments and the best content that social media has EVER created And it’s not fair that you got shut down It’s not fair that the millions of fans that I’ve been supporting you for 21 years now have to let go. Rooster Teeth made the first REAL adult comedy They made the first machina with red vs blue They also made the biggest gathering of personal fans with RTX So…. Thank you, Rooster Teeth THANK YOU for everything you’ve done for everything you have made and for every heart you have touched Including mine! Without my heart and soul, thank you #thankroosterteeth@roosterteeth ❤️💙💜💗💔🖤💛💞💚
1 month ago
I hope a major Studio buys everything, restructure the company, and make Rooster Teeth profitable again. Warner Brothers was a mistake.
1 month ago
1 month ago
Was that Andy samburg
1 month ago
1 month ago
1 month ago
its one of life’s greatest mysteries isn’t it. why are we here? are we the product of some.. cosmic coincidence or.. is there really a god, watching everything? yknow with a plan for us and stuff. i dunno man, but it keeps me up at night
1 month ago