2 months ago
In my work with spirit babies, there are the three main “soul types” I’m seeing coming in in the highest volume right now. Of course this doesn’t just apply to our children, but to us as well. Massive amounts of Activator souls coming in right now. Which soul type do you resonate with the most? What do you do in the world? Which soul type resonates most with your child/ children? As a disclaimer, of course this is my attempt to break down the energy of the soul, which is so vast. I’m not saying these are the only 3 types of souls, just the ones I’m connecting with the most right now. #newearth #5D #newchildren #spiritbabies #consciousconception #spiritbabysigns #spirituality #ascension
I'm an integrator ❤️
2 months ago
My baby is an activator no doubt. Always challenging me. Already has a solid life plan at the age of five. Constantly keeping me on my toes and more responsible than I’ve ever been. She yells at strangers for littering, tells me when I’m out of line and has this massive sense of justice and awareness of the environment
2 months ago
My daughter is like Jesus. She came here to suffer and change the fabric of society and it’s utterly painful. We need help.
2 months ago
My daughter 'The Activator' 😍
2 months ago
See D m :)
1 month ago
Can you be both? Preparer and integrater resonated both with me to a T
1 month ago
I’m at activator and my psychic daughter a preparer. We need help! Happy to welcome these soul babies!!❤️
1 month ago