1 month ago
So the time has come! AI is here and it’s inevitable, I have been experimenting with it for some months now and I got some interesting results. The moment I learned that I can give AI an image as a point of reference it was such a game changer. So I use my own images in order to generate other images. What do you think about AI? Do you use it in your creative process? And how? It’s an interesting topic! - #ai #aiart #aiartcommunity #aiandaftereffects #aiartwork #vj #projectionmapping #projection _mapping_world #digitalart #visualart
Wauuuu amazing creation right there❤️🔥❤️🔥
1 month ago
1 month ago
🔥🔥🔥 yo que soy informático, uso ChatGPT en mi día a día. Muchas veces me da explícitamente la solución que necesito en un pedazo de código. Otras veces, me da pistas y me apunta en la dirección correcta
1 month ago
UoW! Track id?
21 days ago