1 month ago
The joy of your hard work & craft being recognised and appreciated by people who understand craft is beyond words. Theatre requires serious discipline and I worship my craft. This is the result of hours of homework an actor puts in when nobody sees him .. that’s the beauty! Eternally grateful to @llaarun ma’am & @kkraina90 sir for trusting me with Ajaatshatru ♥️🙏🏻 Thank you @joybimalroy sir for such kind words 🙏🏻
1 month ago
Congratulations @gauravamlani well deserved 👏🏻 may you cover more and more miles successfully 🙌❤️
1 month ago
Congratulations ❤️ @gauravamlani . So proud to cherish your praises 👏
1 month ago
Well deserved 😌❤️..huge fan Gaurav bhaia
1 month ago