1 month ago
Of course we know that children are the closest to the spirit world so they naturally remember more of their past life memories. BUT SOMETHING IS CHANGING - these new children are coming in with much more intact soul memories - and they’re making some major waves. Mainstream media is picking up on it (Washington Post just published a piece on it the other day) and the University of Virginia is studying it currently. Parents are having to adapt to the idea of reincarnation very quickly, and it’s all by design. These children are here to wake us up. Some common lines that a child may say when they’re remembering a past life: - asking for their other mama, or other parents (I know this one can sting 💔) but it’s not personal! - In my before life, I was a girl/boy - When I was bigger…. - I couldn’t breathe and then I went back to God and I came and found you! - I used to be somebody else Has your child shared a past life memory with you? Share below 👇🏼 #pastlifememories #childrenandpastlives #pastlife #reincarnation #spirit #soul
So interesting! I can’t wait to see what my little boy shares as he gets older. I remember a medieval life in Scotland where I had to say goodbye to a loved one who had to go to battle. I also remember being tortured to ‘confess’ that one of my friends was a witch during the witch hunts - which I didn’t. We are loyal friends in this life 💗
1 month ago
My four year old daughter told me last week “ I was the mommy, and you were the baby. But this time you’re the mommy and I’m little”
1 month ago
Idky but all these stories making me cry cause they so cute and beautiful. 🥹
1 month ago
I ask my daughter 5, was she here before she says no. But I think she was one day when she was 3 I caught her looking at herself in the mirror and she seemed very pleased the way she came back looking she was touching her face like she couldn’t believe it was her face. I just watched from a distance
1 month ago
My daughter is 4 and since the age of 2 has talked about when she "used to live in France"! Now she is only she often talks about death and says things like " we will die together like we did before" she won't elaborate on this and I don't want to push her too ❤️
1 month ago
My son at 2 years old in tears was staring out at the sky one day. I asked him what was wrong and he told me he missed his family on the moon (he was born on a full moon) 🥹😭😭 I asked him if he could be happy here with us and he said yes and gave me a huge hug. The same son chanted May 10 over and over at 2.5 years when I was pregnant with his baby brother, guess who decided to come at 38 weeks on May 10 🤯❤️ (another full moon!) baby brother! He knew it all along ❤️ he’s def such a special kiddo 🥹❤️🌈
28 days ago
Ok can you please help me understand this and I hope this makes sense- Our souls have made multiple lives, meaning multiple families, husbands, children and so on- So this means we’re never reunited with our loved ones when we pass away because we just get recycled back, and have had countless loved ones right? How are you able to relay messages to people from their loved ones if we never really cross over, we just come back and start over again with new people …
22 days ago