2 months ago
Normally I would post one of my photographs and write a (probably) over-long post where I try to explain my thoughts behind the image. Today, I would just like to direct any interested readers to the @leica_fotografie_international (LFI - Leica Fotografie International) website instead (link in bio), where my Remember When photograph is the latest One Photo - One Story, and my thoughts behind that photo can be read there. My words aren't nearly as rambling for a change! Please do have a look and a read, I'm incredibly pleased to have been included in such a fine, iconic, publication. Thank you to all involved, I'm really very grateful. And thank you to all the fantastic people who comment on my photos here and generally encourage me to keep sharing my thoughts this way. As always, thank you for reading. #leicauk #leicacamera #leica _photos #throughyourleica #leicagram #storyinmonochrome #bwgrammer #igers _bnw #bnw #streetphotography #streetsgrammer #friendsinstreets #streetsansfrontieres #blackandwhitephotography #streets _storytelling #mydaidia #lensculturestreets #eyeshotmag #humanistphotography #timeless _streets #friendsinbnw #bnwphotography #bnw _captures #contemporaryphotography #bnw _demand #lfigallery
well done, Greig, very pleased for you
2 months ago
2 months ago
great! 👏👏
1 month ago
🎉 congratulations Greg
1 month ago
Congratulations, Greig. Well done! 😍👌👏👏👏👏
18 days ago