1 month ago
Whew - what a weekend, from multiple X class solar flares, and a severe geomagnetic storm - ya girl was feeling it. When in doubt - straight to nature. I spent the weekend in every version of nature I could: the lake, a river, the forest, sitting up against a tree for hours. What’s so interesting is I woke up Saturday morning feeling this super intense energy buzzing inside my chest; as soon as I went outside and later used my @grounding.well mat the sensation left me. All my body needed to discharge the intensity of the geomagnetic storm was some grounding. If it were up to me, I would live in the forest as a full time forest nymph. Alas, I have a business to run and that occasionally means I have to stay inside and work. Enter @grounding.well mat! It’s helped me to stay grounded while I’m on calls, I love putting it under my desk when I’m working, and my dog loves it too 🥰 he’ll chose the grounding mat over his bed any day. Comment the word GROUNDING to get the link to get yourself a grounding mat. How are you feeling after this weekend in the energies?!?! #solarstorm #auroraborealis #solarflare #geomagneticstorm #grounding #nature
1 month ago
Ahhh Now I know why I wanted to spent all weekend at the beach submerged in water 😂
1 month ago
1 month ago