4 months ago
"Kiitos, rakkaani." Remember how I was talking about how amazing @ilkkavilli_official was in Alan Wake 2? I HAD NO IDEA HOW MUCH MORE I WOULD MEAN THAT WHEN I FINISHED THE GAME. I swear, @remedygames and @samlakewrites put together a hell of a masterpiece, and Ilkka just swept in and absolutely stole the show. What a brilliant, brilliant job. Definitely keeping Ilkka Villi on my list of "people I'd love to sit down and have a conversation with." Between AW2 and Yötön Yö... I have no words. Again, kiitos paljon for everything. All of you. This game is truly transformative - even away from Kattilajärvi, away from the Clicker, our art can change the world. And yours has changed me for the better. #alanwake2 #remedygames #ilkkavilli #samlake #videogames #alanwake