4 months ago
Two years. For two year’s Putin’s Russia has been mounting war crimes, crimes against humanity, ushering the needless death of an estimated half a million people and acting as architect to an affront to the most basic human right: freedom. That this type of unprovoked tyranny hasn’t been abolished from our society with all of our information and knowledge is one of the saddest realities today. I know that Ukraine has fallen from the spotlight of the media long ago and we have the luxury of ignoring the daily casualties but Ukraine’s sovereign people are still relying on us. I’m running another printed run of my Stand With Ukraine zine as we pass the second anniversary of the invasion this Saturday the 24th. 70 pages, 13 models and various works-uncensored. This printed and a digital version are available for purchase with 100% of the proceeds being donated to the Ukraine Ministry of Defense. And I urge you to be vocal to congress about your support for financial assistance. Humanity will win #standwithukraine
Someone commented and then deleted: ‘what about the war in Gaza’ and I’d like to take time to reply I don’t have a publication for that cause right now. And I’m not educated enough about the situation though it’s a tragedy that extremists from both sides are disallowing peace for the innocents that call Gaza, West Bank and Jerusalem home. Both wars are devastating, however the scale of the Russo-Ukrainian war, the severity of war crimes and implications on a larger global stage as well as the one-sided nature moved me to create the Stand With Ukraine zine. The wars in Myanmar, Sudan, and elsewhere also deserve far far more aid and attention than they are receiving. It’s hard to lead our own lives and spend enough time fighting for those that need it, but every little bit of action helps
4 months ago
chec direct hidden
3 months ago