4 months ago
I think this means we are mainstream now and it’s only downhill from here!
So happy I have my OG pieces! 💖👗🫒
4 months ago
I live in a small college town and made a new friend because she was wearing a fashion brand company dress. Real recognize real
4 months ago
Yeah my heart kinda sank too - I’m happy for Penelope but no not the press here to junk it up, I feel the deepest need to protect the essence of this brand from mainstream morons! I chased a stranger at an event because they were wearing FBC pants and I could see them standing out clearly amongst the sea of stuffy art ladies - i mean this person is obviously cool and maybe had drugs on them so naturally we would get along anyway they were shocked I identified the pants and then we super fan geeked out together over Penelope and her brilliance we shared the items in our online shopping carts and what we felt together was uncontrollable and at times uncomfortable for bystanders to watch but 🙏 for bringing strangers together over their ❤ of fashion! Please don’t sell out - either way 🔥
4 months ago
I’m gatekeeping
4 months ago
NOOOOOOOO(Congratulations 🎉)OOOO
4 months ago
Any update on easy access jeans in tallest of tall length????
27 days ago
Hi!! Sorry for the rando comment but the "Filter" drop-down button on the website (both mobile and desktop chrome versions) isn't working after I used the Search bar to check out linen products. Not sure if y'all were aware of the issue!!
24 days ago