4 months ago
Thanks to former student Yancey Greene Fouché for the nice comments in the Davidson University Journal! Yancey is now the Director of Sustainability at Davidson.
4 months ago
What a great testimonial to your positive influence, Coach. 👍
4 months ago
4 months ago
Great individual and leader.
4 months ago
I’ve had the privilege of spending a few hours with Elliott and his students. I was living in Boston and then NY when Uncle Elliott conducted cultural visits that impressed me on so many levels. His itineraries were creative..ranging from multiple broadway shows, iconic museums and landmarks, to much needed energy release playing late night frisbee, on an empty Plaza at Lincoln Center, the Revson fountain splashing in the background. During these trips what stood out, for me, was the innate sense of elegance and respect that Elliott modeled, and inspired in, his students. I found myself inspired in many ways.
4 months ago
Вот это физиономия, конечно немного покарёженное, Но для своих годиков выглядишь нормально!
4 months ago