2 years ago
@potus declares Russian invasion and says “I’m going to begin to impose sanctions far beyond the steps we and our allies and partners implemented in 2014.” Sanctions to include: - sanctioning Russian financial institutions - cutting off Russia’s government from Western financing - sanctioning Russia’s elite and family members - stopping Nord Stream 2 - US forces move to strengthen Baltic Allie’s: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - stand ready to provide defensive assistance to Ukraine but “no intention of fighting Russia”
It’s the right thing to do. Sure, America recently invaded Iraq illegally, but that hypocrisy doesn’t mean this isn’t the right thing to do for Ukraine.
2 years ago
He really works relentlessly to keep peace in the world. It’s remarkable how much is asked of him and how well he does. 🙏
2 years ago
Real leadership! Trump would’ve re-enacted a war with hand puppets at the podium
2 years ago
2 years ago
A solid move by Biden and NATO…I feel so bad for Ukraine
2 years ago
Seize oligarch property. Expel their kids from university.
2 years ago
Baltic “Allie’s” is cracking me up.
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago