1 year ago
💭Lady of The Camelia’s Reflections🥀 1)This music leading into our little trio makes me happy & ended up being my favorite section to watch in act 2 2)Watching Leah before I dance inspires me so much-someone who puts it all out there, rehearsals & show after show & is so beautiful, it’s my honor to follow and later dance beside her.This is just one small portion of all my feels.Gosh. Where do I start with (3)You, Nichette. I guess I’ll go back to the beginning.The 15 minute sessions w Cat & Dana between class & rehearsal. For context- at the beginning of the year Cat and I made a promise to support & help each other on our Turning quest. Dana,our mentor & Angel, put her time & knowledge into helping us, truly truly believing in us day after day with Our worries, excitement,(temporary ;)) disappointment, tears. Dana & Cat held me up when I felt like maybe I could never conquer something like a consistent solid beautiful turn. Then came Nichette. I never imagined I would be honored with such a challenging part. Turns, exuberance, softness, sharpness, grace (did I mention the all the pirouettes). When I say I NEVER thought I would do something like this…I truly mean it. All that aside-the insecurity, wants,”needs”-My heart is full to have done something so out of my (perceived) element. I’m playing a part but I can’t quite express the gratitude & happiness I feel to think that at a moment in this timeline,I am Nichette, I can turn after turn on stage, I can make people smile, make people proud, & make people want to dance with this part. This particular moment on stage is as close as I’ve gotten to feeling the perfection in imperfection. The gratitude for loving something so much that your “failures”, like falling or hopping out of turns aren’t failures at all in the grand scheme of things when u never stop striving, just a little fumble in a sentence that expresses your love & the story we’re telling. Perhaps that fumble just reminds people you are human too, that anyone & everyone and their story is on the stage. Nichette is my favorite projection of someone so full of Love&Honor. She embodies what I hope to be, just like my Paw Paw. How Beautifully Kismet
So proud of you❤️
1 year ago
I had so much fun getting to dance with you #girlfight ❤️❤️❤️
1 year ago
You are so beautiful inside and out!! ❤️❤️
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
You are a ray of sunshine ☀️💛!!
1 year ago
Beautiful, graceful, sweet girl
1 year ago
smooth as silk.
1 year ago
watched 3 more times...captivating!
1 year ago
Check please dm, we want to collabоrаte with u
9 months ago