3 years ago
So apparently JC can't count, because yesterday was the 28th. I did the question for the 28th! And still managed to put 29th. Siiiiiigh. Anywho, some catch up here at the end of the #biddytarotchallenge 29: What can I do to inspire others to be open to their blessings? #sixofcups Bring back good memories! So fitting that this shows up, as yesterday I was talking with an old friend who I've recently reconnected with, and in a fit of whimsy, sent her a sound file from our high school days. Even though there are years of hurt and anger in between then and now, it was so good to reminisce about the old days, as it were. Bringing back that balance of past and present, into the future. 30: How can I live with a more open heart? #tenofwands Don't over-commit. Don't burn yourself out. Be open and grateful for where you are and what you're doing, and let it be. And don't let yourself get too spicy about it all!! #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotchallenge #tarotreaders #taroteveryday #tarotcommunity #taroteverydamnday #tarot #tarotmood #tarotcards #tarottribe #biddytarot #dailydraw #dailytarot #dailytarotreading #dailytarotcard