2 years ago
I haven’t seen this posted anywhere else but find it to be one of the hardest and most necessary to watch as you hear the last audio messages of our fellow Americans before they lost their lives 20 years ago today. We won’t forget what happened, but let’s also not forget all of the families on the other ends of these voicemails. Let’s not forget the dispatch that stayed on the phone with strangers in their last moments. Let’s not forget the firefighters, police officers, employees in these buildings, that ran towards the buildings, that ran UP the stairs. That stayed behind to help others to safety. We are not enemies ❤️
Gosh, this is such a heavy day. #neverforget
2 years ago
2 years ago
Thanks for sharing this Meagan. A tragic day in our country’s history.
2 years ago
Thanks for sharing this ❤️
2 years ago
I’ve never seen this before
2 years ago