1 year ago
Dylan Farrow reveals the devastating effects of being allegedly sexually abused by her famous father Woody Allen and the heartbreaking impact of staying silent for 20 years. It’s a @navigatingnarcissismpod exclusive not to be missed. 🔗 in bio.
@dr_adazal88 love spells casting restoring my relationship back to normal,finally my lost lover came back.
1 year ago
❤️ I can Relate honey!❤️
1 year ago
And yet he has never spent a day in jail behind it! He did this weird shit openly in in public view marrying his child and carrying on. Why no consequence for him like the "others"
1 year ago
I was sexually abused by my brother from age 5-19 years old. My Dad is also an abuser and I have found already many victims from my brother. My mom is a psychopath, and she never protected me she actually allowed this to happen, she said she knew but didn’t know what to do. She said she needed to protect my brother because I am stronger. They all gaslight me and said horrible things me about me such as she is crazy she is making up stories in her mind. I broke the silence in public 9 months ago. I’m a survivor if you are one please know that you’re not alone.
11 months ago
Yo, allegedly!?!? YO 😠🙄
10 months ago
Im so sorry Dylan you experienced so many things that were traumatizing. Please know this: you are wonderfully created and YOU did nothing wrong. Im so sorry. On the other hand, im so proud of you for choosing the path of "Healing" You are so amazing
9 months ago
Dylan Farrow, quote: "I like to cheat on my story"... unquote. This woman was manipulated by her psychopathic God complex abusive mother for decades, why aren't you addressing that? All the Farrow's are NUTS. Mia's brother John Farrow is the actual, convicted pedophile, sent to prison for molesting 2 little boys. Somehow his 25 yr sentence was whittled down to 7 years & he got out in 2020. Hmm. Didn't tell you that in the HBO doc, huh? Ronan never mentioned that, huh? Mia abused ALL of her adopted rainbow POC tribe, while showering golden attention on her bio-adopted white kids. Ask Moses, who is a family therapist and told the truth. Her 3 other POC kids committed suicide? WAKE UP... you're being duped.
8 months ago