1 year ago
OUR MACLEAN EISTEDDFOD CREW!! ❤️❤️❤️ Please send through any group pics you have so we can get the whole team in here xxx 8YRS 1st - 8yrs Lyrcial “The Prayer” 1st - 8yrs Jazz A (6yrs jazz) “Monsters” HC - 8yrs Jazz B “Cartoon Heroes” 10YRS 3rd- 10yrs Jazz “Thriller” 12YRS 1st - 12yrs Lyrical “Love in the Dark” 1st - 12yrs Jazz “Vogue” 1st - 12yrs Contemporary “Mad Max” 15YRS 2nd - 15yrs Contemporary “Game of Survival” 2nd - 15yrs Jazz “Jumanji” HC - 15yrs Lyrical “The Light that Never Fails” OPENS 1st - Opens Lyrical “Praying” 3rd - Opens Jazz “Lady Gaga” HC - Opens Contemporary “Dragon” CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR OPENS LYRICAL GROUP FOR WINNING “MOST PROMISING GROUP” & “LYRICAL GROUP AWARD”. 👏🏼🥰🌟 A beautiful day with our dance family. So proud of you all ❤️❤️❤️ #eisteddfod #dancefamily #dancefriends #dancefriendsarethebestfriends