Pixwox koPost
5 months ago
There are few things as beautiful to me than seeing this man’s name and film alight on the marquis ❤️ Nine years of tapping reservoirs of sheer determination to pull a seemingly impossible dream out of the ether. You did it babe. Fuck yes to late bloomers. Don’t dream it, be it. If you’re gonna do it, do it proper ⚡️And most importantly: go see #THESEEDING in Theatres TODAY ❣️🩸 and on VOD 🩸❣️ get that adrenaline hit Plus the score is ICONIC shout out to @tristan_bechet , and I added haunted lullaby to the mix 🖤 🤩 @outoftheether @magnoliapics
5 months ago
5 months ago
5 months ago
@harkinstheatres thank you for providing us access to provocative and interesting movies
5 months ago
5 months ago
Omg! Our lil ol city gets a showing 😍not only one but twoooo😍😍
5 months ago
Absolutely loved it @outoftheether
5 months ago
Woo hoo!!!
5 months ago
I am it.
3 months ago
Omg this movie. No good if you like happy endings
29 days ago