5 months ago
Idag deltar vår ordförande @evakarman i en panel om Equity Diversity & Inclusion på Eurosonic, och imorgon i en panel om Fake Streams. Den 7 mars kan du delta i diskussioner på SOMs egen konferens Manifest Talks i anslutning till @manifestgalan . Vilka ämnen borde vi lyfta då? Posted @withregram@evakarman Looking forward to talking fake streams and equity, diversity & inclusion at Eurosonic this week! #musicbiz Posted @withregram@winformusic 👏 Our members are busy at @esns.nl 🇳🇱 this week! Don’t miss some great panels. Our selection: Thursday 18/01 🎤 Booking Beyond Boundaries: Pitches & Perspectives 🗣 Ruth Koleva (@anmipbg 🇧🇬) ♻️ What Have We Learned Since 1972? 50 years of green activism 🗣 Karla Rogozar (@impalamusic 🇪🇺) 🇨🇦 Speed Meetings: Meet the Canadians @cimamusic75 🌍 Navigating Diversity and Inclusion: Learning From Past Missteps 🗣 Eva Karman Rheinhold (@somindie 🇸🇪) ♻️ Accelerate the sustainable transformation of the European events sector 🗣 Ruth Koleva (ANMIP) 🗓 Friday 19/01 🇪🇺 Bringing Innovation and European Integration to the Sync Market 🗣 Angel Labrusse (@impalamusic ) & Nuno Saraiva (@amaeipt 🇵🇹) 🤑 A New European Vision on Touring: Taxation 🗣 Angel Labrusse (IMPALA) 🎧 Tackling Fake Streams: Industry Responses to Streaming Fraud 🗣 Kees van Weijen (@stichtingomp 🇳🇱), Eva Karman Rheinhold (SOM) 🤖 How the EU is addressing the AI question 🗣 Ruth Koleva (ANMIP) 🇷🇴 Speed Meetings: CEE Connect 🗣 Anca Lupes (INDIERO) 🎶 The Hard Work Behind Great Playlists 🗣 Ruth Barlow (@aim_uk 🇬🇧) 🎟 Touring 101 - From that first idea to a sold out to a sold out show 🗣 Ruth Barlow (AIM) 🎉 STOMP Winterborrel party. 📧 Reach out to secretariaat@stichtingomp.nl for RSVP