4 months ago
I wrote my best stories when I was not competing with other authors or trying to be like them. I was driven by pure inspiration and the desire just to tell the story that was stuck in my mind. Whenever it was in my school days or a year ago, I felt the same when I wrote that way: I felt happiness 😍 I started to lose this feeling when I read too many books and studied too many courses about how a writing can be your career🙈 There are too many rules in this business. And everyone who makes these courses or writes these books about “how to be a successful author” are trying to tell you, that if you do something wrong (= not like others/them) you’ll lose. You will not find your readers and you will not make money from your books. But the writing is not about the money! I mean, it’s a dead end if your only goal is royalties 🤷‍♀️ Because there are plenty of professions where you can get paid a lot easier😄 Writing – is about express something in your soul, that wants to get out, that you cannot keep inside. And of course, it will be nicer if you get paid for it. But even if not – the goal is to share it with your readers. And like my friend ones said: even if 99% of the people on Earth won’t like your book, you will still have 80 million fans 😏 So after all this studying I just want to relax and get back to what I love the most: writing. I want to plan my bigger books, write short stories in 1 day if I inspired enough, and record my dreams. (Oh, I will tell you about my dreams in the whole different post!) Wanna see where it will lead me? Then stay tuned, I will tell you all about my writing journey in detail 🤗 #writing #writer #writersblog #author #authors #authorlife #mywritingjourney #iamwriter