5 months ago
We are living in an era of artists with a chokehold around their throats. Maybe this era has always existed and it has taken artists before us to lose it all in their physical existence until eventually they become understood once death opens the eyes of the viewers fully. Don’t say this, don’t create that, you’ll be misunderstood. You’ll lose money. You’ll fail within society. You’ll burn at the stake for all to consume. Is that the overall message we want to believe in? Should we not be free to express and create what we feel, what we believe to be true? Isn’t that the most important message of all… truth?! No creativity should ever be entered with fear yet fear suffocates me. I wish for humanity to find peace, critical thinking, artistic expression which whatever you are told, truly does live within us all. You are valuable and so is your story. Tell it. Don’t fear it. As uncomfortable and isolating it may feel, push through the fear and create whatever feels true to you. 657 days sober from alcohol, drugs and my own oppression. Today I feel FREE!
Damon among tu trabajo eres increíble sigue asi
5 months ago
Jesus loves you
5 months ago
Huge shot in the dark with this comment buuuut I’m coming to the end of my studies in photography and I have to do an internship where I’m a photographers assistant and I’d prolly have a heart attack and drop dead if I got to learn from you. Is there any chance you’d take me under your wing?
5 months ago
Brilliant & free ❤️
5 months ago
Damon, hope u are good you're a phenomenal artist! in my opinion, you're the best Photographer.. when it comes to portraits and capturing emotion and vulnerability! What you do is so unique and so special! You're gifted and talented keep believing in yourself, as a human being and as an artist..specially when you're not feeling that good! Remember, that you're so loved, admired and so inspirational! Idk if you or anyone here can help me! But not long ago, you shared a beautiful drawing of one of your pictures of @krisgusti in the drawing you could see him and the trans flag! What the artist said about gender identity and your work..I feel / think the same way! It would mean a lot to me..if anyone here could share with me the name / username of the artist! It's such beautiful piece and meaningful to me! I would like, to ask the artist of I've the permission to print it just to put it on my bedroom wall! This comment, comes from someone that hasn't came out to my family ! That drawing, is one of the things that is inspiring me to come out! Or I would like to know, If there is a way to buy a print of it ! I hope, that one day I can meet you and Kris too and I also would like to thank that artist for creating that drawing ! We matter , we are valid and we are important! Damon , keep being sober ! Sobriety is punk! I want to wish you and everyone here only the best ! I'm sending you all a lot of love from 🇵🇹 ❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️ @damon_baker
4 months ago
4 months ago
Please consider photographing @hero_ft it’ll be so cool if you guys worked together you’re my favorite photographer ❤
4 months ago
You are attractive so you're allowed to create anything and will always get praised lol tell this to an average artist with no following or support..you have loads. Sheesh
3 months ago
You are energy, we are all emergy, and we are not always just with positive energy. The solution is to evaluate what is most troubling you now. What thought is torturing you? Sometimes this is the immediate answer you need.
1 month ago