1 year ago
Healthy aging is a topic long discussed and full of highly diverse opinions. Some subscribe to the school of thought that we should try to age comfortably by not stressing out the body too much. Others, like Kristie here, at age 70, live by a rather different philosophy and one that is shared by Lyceum. We believe it is wise to maintain or even improve on physical performance and to retain the ability to actively participate in all areas of life. If you don’t want to be a spectator in your own life then this is likely the philosophy that’ll get you there. Kristie worked up to a 73.5lbs overhead squat for 5 reps. Badass hardly covers it. #healthyaging
Hey I know her 🤩
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
Look how great she’s gotten!!
1 year ago
That’s the greatest mother a son could ever ask for!
1 year ago
Kris ❤️🔥she is so amazing.
1 year ago