1 year ago
Last Sunday, May 28th, I got a chance to be a part of the #k2ktoronto team that built a playground 🛝 for a very special little man called Emerson. Emerson is 4 years old. He’s happy, smiley, and super chatty. He is sooo cute. Under all the cuteness lies his unbelievable strength. Emerson is combatting high-risk Stage 4 Neuroblastoma, and spending much of the past year in treatments. I’m so, so happy that we can give him this playground to enjoy whenever he’s home. If you are 4-18 years old, living in or near Toronto, and interested in being a part of a tight-knitted group of people your age who have a passion for raising funds to give back to our community, please reach out to @kidstokids.runwayofhope I assure you it’s a very fulfilling mission that makes your heart very happy. Emerson’s playground is the 3rd playground K2K has built with @milliondollarsmilesnfp I’m so looking forward to many more to come.
Aw that is so special! So inspiring!
9 months ago
8 months ago