7 months ago
✨11.11✨ HAHppy Birthday to my Mama & Gratitude to my Papa for his service 🇺🇸 Only after I became a mother myself did I have the context to remotely understand how heavy this time must have been for my parents. Photos are from Hawaii when my father was on R&R from Vietnam. My mom had just given birth to me 4 months prior, my dad had yet to meet me. The 2 of them so in love … my dad flew back to war to fight in a battle that he would have to live thru the rest of his life. My mom flew home to a newborn and a 2 year old that she was raising alone in a small town she was not from. At the ages of 20-22 years old as newly weds … thank you @sherrecernster @phillipernsterjr for your love, for my beautiful life and we celebrate you both today from CA to TX sending our love 💗
Beautifully said, my sister. And love to these two people who made you and your brother. Love you so much, Ernster fam!
7 months ago
This is beautiful Sharleen. I love your mother and father both so very much. I will be celebrating them both today!😘🎉🎂🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏
7 months ago
What an incredible birthday date ! Happy birthday , those pictures are incredible . A blonde Jane Birkin ❤️
7 months ago
Wow…that’s incredible! How hard that had to have been…but what a love story! ❤️🇺🇸
7 months ago