8 months ago
Six ways to tell your spirit babies are close to coming in 👇🏼 1. Children and other people around you will start talking about them. Our spirit babies will work through the people around us to send us messages. Children are especially open. Some of my favourites…. “My sister in the sky is coming soon” “There’s a baby coming in to mommy’s belly” “I had a brother before I came here and I miss him” Also…. people around you might start to talk about having dreams of you being pregnant, sharing visions of seeing you with future children, or just randomly asking you out of the blue if you’re pregnant/ calling in a baby and more. 2. You’ll have dreams of them yourself! Because we’re often so busy in our everyday lives, dreams are an amazing way for spirit babies to communicate. So many ways they can show up here. 3. They’ll send you signs and symbols. Super common universal spirit baby signs: Rainbows, butterflies, specific number sequences, coins, birds, hearts, songs…. 4. You strongly feel pregnant even if the negative test says otherwise. Soul energies will often do “test runs” where they will bring their energy down into your body once or sometimes multiple times before conception. You’re not crazy! 5. You’ve had lots coming up for you emotionally and energetically in the last while. You feel like you’re purging and transforming at a rapid rate. 6. You feel (mostly) detached from ego expectations around conception and are surrendered to the timeline of your babies plan and timing. This is a biggie, and it can take some time to get here. Be patient with yourself ❤️ #spiritbabies #consciousconception #infertility #soul #newearth
I just found this page. I've been trying to have a baby on my own for a yr now. I made the decision to move onto DE bc of my age and low amh. I had a dream months ago that I was in a mall with my little girl who I called Audrey (name I want). My Mom keeps dreaming of a baby girl also.
3 months ago
I feel this so much lately. We’ve been trying for the last 4 months since a reversal procedure for my husband. I got another negative today and was heartbroken. Went to yoga this morning and noticed a honeybee in the window - looked it up later - fertility in all things. But at the end of my session I asked for a sign, anything, if I’m supposed to have another as it’s never taken this many attempts. I’ve felt a little girl and I’ve had Heart as her name for a year - I walk out of yoga, forgot there was an eclipse - came outside to dark skies, 2 minutes until the eclipse and the thought of turn on “Total Eclipse of the heart” came on - I haven’t heard that since like high-school! Lol turned it on and cried and sang my heart out. Felt so good, so hard and so close ❤️ then this popped up on my feed - thank you
2 months ago
@kelsmit85 how interesting 😍
2 months ago
How about all these “spirit baby” reels coming up in my discovery feed without having a clue how it could fit with my likes/algorithm etc.. is that a sign? 🤔 well great posts anyways got into reading these thanks for sharing ❤️
2 months ago
My 4 year old son told me that there is a baby that wants to go into my belly, but isn’t in my belly yet. He said “it’s a girl.” He also told me my belly is going to “hurt the baby.” Which is concerning. Needless to say, I’ll be buying pregnancy tests. I also saw a double rainbow yesterday.
2 months ago
My six year old daughter knew I had a miscarriage after her and a month before I got pregnant with her sister. She said to me “mom is Holly the same baby as my brother that died? Because we don’t get any messages from him” makes so much sense.
2 months ago
Hi! What are your thoughts on dreaming of babies that don’t seem to be yours? I’ve had so many dreams recently of babies, but they’re blatantly someone else’s (in my dreams, of course) 😂 ..I still love and adore them as they were mine!
13 days ago