7 months ago
Pakistan has been a supporter for many Afghan refugee families for decades. I am saddened they would so abruptly push back refugees who face the impossible realities of trying to survive in today’s Afghanistan, where women have again been deprived of all rights and the possibility of education, many are being imprisoned, and there is a deep humanitarian crisis. It is yet another example of the backsliding in human rights globally, and is a new tragedy in the long history of the suffering of Afghan people - who have experienced nothing but war and conflict and displacement for over forty years, and are being abandoned by the world after all the promises that were made of a better future for the Afghan people. Please, if you can, try to stay aware and informed. See link in my bio for Afghan reporting. #Afghanistan #Pakistan
7 days ago
7 days ago
#شمال _غزة_يموت_جوعاً
7 days ago
Thank you for standing up for our Afghan people. We admire your courage and support. ❤️
5 days ago
Thank you🥰
1 day ago
16 hours ago