1 year ago
y’all can catch me on the new #whitemancantjump on @hulu S/o @calmatic !!
23 days ago
Check dms
20 days ago
19 days ago
Looking hot in the sleeveless papi 😍😍😍🔥🔥🔥
12 days ago
I got set up 5v1 and outran all of em made it to a public area and everybody was like are you okay are you okay cus I was fucking wheezing like a dying old man I told em how I almost got jumped but they didn’t know I had a pack on me and they called the paramedics this was before weed got legalized and I had to stash it in the 711 bathroom they checked my heart rate and all dat and I was good to go the only reason I did that cus I took cross country and track but then the next day when I went to school the principal was asking me if there was an incident that I wanted to talk to him about involving other students and I was like naaa everything good I’m good and he was like really? You sure 😂 later down the line one of the foos who was there when I ran was copping pleas and still tryna be cool w me I was like chales I’m never smoking w u foos again
10 days ago
Bro how I never saw this 😂😂😂
10 days ago
Chupas pinche gringo
3 days ago
Need an artwork or logo.....?🔥🔥
3 days ago