10 months ago
Dear Patrons and Friends, It is with a heavy heart that we announce the closure of Bodega Wine Bar. Challenging economic circumstances and staffing shortages have led us to this difficult decision. We must close our doors for the foreseeable future. - The Bodega Wine Bar Team
Oh no that is sad 😞
10 months ago
I have enjoyed your lovely space and hope you can open again if possible.
10 months ago
A great meeting place with friends, all the best💖💖💖from Dyson Wines 🥂
10 months ago
Oh no 😢
10 months ago
This is so sad
10 months ago
Very sad news. We have had fun times and lots of chats. Thank you for giving it a go?
10 months ago
Sorry to see you go
10 months ago
10 months ago
10 months ago
i adore your photo (-:
6 months ago