2 years ago
The Denver project. Loved every minute of it. A lot of heavy lifting on this one for sure. No cut corners, no reused or refurbished material, custom floor plan, everything hand picked. #buildingthefuture #restoringthepast 8 showings in first half day listed. 5 offers in first weekend. Under contract on third business day. Gonna miss this one the most thus far. Words that came to life on this one: #challenge #adversity #pandemic #overbudget #priceincrease #custom #handpicked #patience #worthit #satisfying #blessed #teamwork
I need this one in my town, I’d snatch it up in a heartbeat
2 years ago
2 years ago
The white look clean
2 years ago
What color paint is that on the front door! Love it!❤️
2 years ago