8 months ago
Finding Penny Bun's brings us so much joy! 🧺🍂 This one was nestled in the leaf litter underneath some giant Beech trees! 🌳 🤔Did you know the Penny Bun is a mycorrhizal fungus, which means they grow in symbiosis with plants. Both mutually benefitting from the relationship. The mushrooms send water and mineral nutrients and in return receive sugars. In this case they are mycorrhizal with the roots of trees, predominantly Oak, Beech and Birch, so it's always good to find the trees before you can find the mushrooms! #foraging #nature #mushrooms #wildfood #fungi #mushroom #forage #mycology #forager #foragedfood #mushroomhunting #wildmushrooms #forest #wildfoodlove #foragingforfood #naturephotography #fungus #wildedibles #bushcraft #love #outdoors #art #hiking #vegan #food #potd #mushroomhunter #fungiphotography #foraged #girl
4 months ago
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