8 months ago
We’re being ushered into a new world. One whose frequency is rooted in truth and aligned with the greater good. Because truth is our theme, we are being asked to shed everything that is not in alignment of love. Like with any shedding or purge, don’t be surprised if it gets worse before it gets better… both personally + collectively. We’re all being tested + initiated with challenges… Destruction is an opportunity for new growth. The death of one thing is the rebirth to something higher. Change is a symptom of expansion. When* you find yourself + others in midst of what might look like struggle or darkness, hold a little extra compassion + patience. Remembering to embody unconditional love at your forefronts. When you do that, a sense of peace will be able to finally wash over you and the smoke will clear. Trust in the process, lead with love, compassion is always the answer and I’ll see you on the other side 💫 #newearth #newearthcodes #5thdemension #5d #5dconsciousness #compassion #loveandlight