1 year ago
Breaking News 📰 !!! Researchers in Collaboration with World Renound Explorers have been able to piece together part of The Kon-Tigo's Lost Expedition. Flight records indicate it began in San Diego, California and Headed West For the Hawaiian Islands before returning East For Me so America, Africa, The Far East and through it's return Flight to America. Last transmissions received communicated extreme turbulence, sidewinds, and zero visibility. Coordinates Triangulation narrowed the location to a group of Islands I the South Pacific, and after 18 months signs of the Crash site have been on located. The Kon-Tigo Expedition Chartered a Boeing 247X Prototype which was also scheduled to coincide as a final quality examination before commercial production for the Boeing. No signs of the crew or party have been found as of last transmission from ground zero. For the moment a Recreation Reel has been pieced together to give us a better understanding, and is based on known information and data leading up to this Breaking News Report. Aloha From The Kon-Tigo 🌴🔥💀🔥💀🔥🌴 ChineseLanternPick.com (LINK IN BIO) When you Support The Kon-Tigo, You Also Support our Charitable Efforts to support Students and Ohana #ChineseLaternPick #ohana #ohanameansfamily #imbibe #aloha #alohastate #alohaspirit #rum #rhum #tropicalcocktails #cocktailumbrella #tropicalcocktail #tiki #tikilifeforme #tikitikitiki #KonTigoTikiBar #hometikibar #islandlife #tikimuglife #cocktailgarnish #tikirestaurant #tikibar #tikibartender #paradise #hawaiilife #hawaiian #waikiki #oahu #polynesianpop
Where is this bar? @kontigotikibar
1 year ago
Very cool 🙌👏
1 year ago
23 days ago