9 months ago
I am still at a complete loss for words. After 7 years of chasing this dream of becoming Miss USA, it finally came true. After a whirlwind of ~72 hours, I am finally getting a chance to make this post. First and foremost, I thank God for all of the trials and tribulations that lead me to this enormous blessing. I prayed so hard that His will be done and that I feel peace, confidence, and faith. I felt exactly that. Thank you to everyone who has celebrated this win with me. It has been the most heartwarming thing to see so many people who know my story and my journey be so invested and supportive. This is a win for all of us! To think that seven years ago I was just starting my pageant journey and now I am Miss USA 2023. My mind is blown. To my family: your unwavering support and commitment to helping me see my dream come to fruition means more than you could possibly know. To my director @shannamoakler , thank you for all of your love, support, and guidance on this journey. You are an incredible director and I have loved every second of getting to be your state titleholder. Couldn’t have done this without you. To my pageant coaching family: @prpageantcoaches , I will be thanking you for the rest of eternity. You have believed in me since Day 1 and always told me you believed I could be a Miss USA one day, even when I myself didn’t believe it. I have grown and accomplished so much because of you all. We are family forever. To Laylah Rose, thank you for creating an environment for young women to shine and show their heart. We are so grateful that you are the new CEO of @missusa and I can’t wait for this year with you by my side. To the selection committee, thank you for believing in me and choosing me to be the representative for this country. I could not be more honored. To my teen queen @umasofias I can’t wait to take on this year with you! You are already like a little sister to me! As I always said, God’s timing is ALWAYS right. I’m so ready for this role and can’t wait to represent USA at Miss Universe in El Salvador on November 18th! Many more posts soon to come 👑✨
Finally Utah wins one! I remember watching as a kid and Utah nrver won. I didnt know we won until your resignation because I only watch shows on streaming services now.
1 month ago
We love you and Miss Teen! ❤️❤️❤️ Praying for you and all the victims WE KNOW LAYLAH ROSE IS TRASH 🚯
1 month ago
Estamos contigo Noelia 🤗🤗😢 lastima que pasaste ese mal momento 😔
1 month ago
We're you bullied and harrassed when you won.#misshawaiiusa
1 month ago
1 month ago
For me you are the best miss USA ever your gown is very best
24 days ago
Bella 😍❤️ Y de paso de Venezuela aaaaaaaaaa ❤️
21 days ago
Vente a Venezuela y participas aquí acá si valorarán lo que no hizo la organización Miss Usa
19 days ago