9 months ago
I haven't been here for a long time. These were difficult times, but now I’m here and even post my photo (this is a real achievement for me, since I really don’t like my appearance). Much has changed. Now I know that my “bad” and “good” periods in life are not the norm, that I can live differently, that I can be happy. I have bipolar affective disorder, I take pills and have already accepted my diagnosis. I finally understand what's wrong with me and can move on. I hope that this is the beginning of a long journey on which many good things await me 🖤
I wish you all the best ❤
9 months ago
Welcome to club! It's all going to be ok, we're all a bit different here but we're also fantastic!
9 months ago
I wish you all the best too!❤️✨🙏🏻 Take care!!💕
9 months ago