9 months ago
Proud Mum post ❤️ This girl has worked so incredibly hard and come SO far in the last 12 months, she practices every single day and to her, Dance really is life, it’s her happy place and she has truly proven that determination and hard work will define your success. I’m so proud of her results for her last comp of the season, she certainly lit up the stage and is so deserving of her achievements⭐️ 1st Place - New Jazz 1st Place - Lyrical (16 competitors) 1st Place - Musical Theatre 1st Place - Hip Hop 1st Place - Contemporary 2nd Place - Ballet 3rd Place - Jazz Improv 2nd Place - Junior Jazz championship
Wow Amy!!! That’s incredible. Big things are ahead.
9 months ago
9 months ago
Wow congratulations Violet. Incredible results. 👏 ❤️
9 months ago
Well done violet the support from mum and dad helps but you’ve done all the hard work girly well done ❤️
9 months ago