1 year ago
So sorry fam!!!! Been extremely busy but I wanted to reach out and thank every single one of you for this amazing journey with @streetspeed717 I can not express how much I am thankful for all the support you have shown InShane Designs. Mike and I both have amazing ideas, just down separate roads. My passion for auto will never die but my passion for helping and educating is taking over and for anyone who knows me, knows I am very passionate with anything I do. There is no stopping it. Been hiding from something I was diagnosed with at 3 years old. I’m tired of being ashamed of it and ready to start supporting it. #inshanedesigns #inshane #designs #design #corvette #porsche #cars #foundation #va #education #itsawrp .
Can someone tell me what’s going on???? I’m out of the loop.
1 year ago
Good luck in your journey
1 year ago
1 year ago
Tons and tons of respect for you bro God bless
1 year ago
Salute homie …… I’m always here if ya need anything 😎🤘
1 year ago
@inshanedesigns This is like having to pick which parent we love the most in a divorce 😂. Just kidding bro! Money always complicates things! Prayers for you and your future plans as well as whatever this is that you were diagnosed with and the future of dealing with it and bringing attention to light as well.
1 year ago
God bless your new adventure! Keep the posts coming.
1 year ago
So what's next and what happened 3 years ago?
1 year ago
1 year ago