1 year ago
two years ago today I finally got to learn what loving yourself felt like. • I’ve always been so proud of my scoliosis journey and I’ve never really talked about it on here surprisingly. In 2015 at the age of 10, I was diagnosed with scoliosis. My journey with scoliosis started in 2017 though. I was diagnosed with thoracic-lumbaric scoliosis at a 27° curve. I was then braced into a Boston brace. I had to wear it for 22-24 hours a day. I tried it out for about a month or so and decided it wasn’t for me. I also joined physical therapy to see if it could help me correct my back. I then stopped caring after a month and decided that I was just gonna leave it and do nothing about it. It ended up increasing to a 67° curve over time and my ribs twisted 25° to the left. My self-esteem dropped severely. Seeing everyone on social media and in the industry having a “perfect body” affected me because it made me believe I was less than others because of my deformity. So I did everything I could to hide the fact my body looked so different. I stopped wearing certain clothes, doing certain activities, and posing in certain ways, and even learned how to photoshop myself so it wasn’t visible. I couldn’t physically look at myself in a mirror for years. At the beginning of 2020 after meeting with multiple doctors I decided that I was going to get spinal fusion. So on November 9th, 2020 I had a 6-hour long procedure. I had my T10-L3 fused then had 11 screws and 2 rods added to keep it in place. I went from 67° to 13° and fully corrected rib rotation. • After my surgery, I decided that I wanted to be a role model for young girls who feel just like I did. I wanted to be the role model that I needed and know other girls do too. To teach them that beauty is not a rulebook and to not let their limitations stop them but to use it as fuel to chase after their own dreams. #scoliosis #explore #scoliosisawareness #fighter #scoliosiswarrior #scoliosiswarriors #scoliosisadvocate #Godisgood #scoliosisfighter #NAMnationals2022 #IJMinternationals2022 #growingconfidence #crownofopportunities #thepowerhouse2022 #iamthepageantpowerhouse #tennessee
Plz message👉🏻 @youtaas.diamond
10 months ago
Hi plz msg to @lorianze_diamond
10 months ago
10 months ago
Hi plz msg to @lorianze_diamond
10 months ago
Plz message👉🏻 @youtaas.diamond
10 months ago
@embracemodels ⬅️ 💬
8 months ago
Wow! What an amazing journey!
7 months ago