1 year ago
Earlier this year, on the last day of June, we moved my Babbo (pictured), Nonna, and Mom from Florida to Los Angeles. For the first time in my adult life I live just a 30 min drive from my whole family! Spending those few days leading up to the move, I got to sit with my Babbo and describe to him over and over again why they were moving to California. His dementia has taken a toll in recent years. He didn't want to move, but when I told him that it was because we wanted to all be near each other, as a family, he looked at me and said "well...alright." Something I've learned about spending more time with him over the last few months, is that the soul never forgets. The mind and ego may get washed away, but in our marrow are the knowings of our lifetime. I saw this so vividly in Babbo's eyes as we talked about the upcoming move. He didn't know who I was, didn't know my name, where I lived or how I got to be sitting next to him. He only knew that I was holding his hand, that I loved him, and that he was safe with me. Having conversations with him as of late, has been one of the great honors of my life. His mind may be lost, but his sweet soul has held dear every chapter of his memoir - and if I look closely, I can see all of the words on the pages reflected back to me in his gentle, blue eyes.
1 year ago
Well I’m a puddle on the floor. Love you so much, sweetie. Love living close to you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
1 year ago
Oh wow. Thanks for sharing these thoughtful, beautiful words.
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
❤️❤️❤️ great move! now I know who you and your Mom look 👀 alike… 😎
1 year ago
So lovely! I’m glad you’re all together now ❤️
1 year ago
really beautiful roxy ❤️❤️❤️
1 year ago
Love this and that you get to spend more time with them ♥️♥️
1 year ago
Wow ❤️
1 year ago