2 months ago
Tomorrow we hit the heavy metal highway with Tailgunner and the Rattlebacks! Three back to back shows starting in Cardiff tomorrow at FUEL ROCK CLUB! The Underground (Stoke) on Friday Then finishing at Anvil Rockbar Bournemouth on Saturday Night! Let’s go!!! ⚔️ 🔥 ⚔️ #toledosteelband #heavymetal #nwothm #tour #cardifflivemusic #fuelrockclub #stokelivemusic #theundergroundstoke #anvilrockbarbournemouth #livemusic #hardrock #dissonanceproductions #cherryredrecords #tailgunnerhq #therattlebacks
Saturday night can’t come fast enough, chaps. 🙌
2 months ago
Have a great tour @toledosteelband !
2 months ago