2 months ago
While we continue to prep for S2, don’t forget to dig into the back catalog! On Ep. 9, we have a humorous, informative, and thought provoking conversation with two of our favorite fat liberationists from across the pond: Dr Asher Larmie (@thefatdoctor ) and Jeannette Thompson Wessex (@themindsetnutritionist ). We dig into some of the ways weight stigma impacts fat healthcare, and things we can all do to better advocate for ourselves. Give it a listen if you haven’t already! We’ll be back with new content soon, and until then, be fat, be fat, and be free! . #fatlib #fatliberation #bopo #bodypositive #losehatenotweight #fatphobiakills #fatbabes #weightstigma #medicalfatbias #fatsex #fatdoctor #fatnutrition #fatnutritionist #riotsnotdiets #ditchdietculture #sextherapist #healthysexuality #allbodiesaregoodbodies #effyourbeautystandards #rollsnottrolls #fatrolls #HAES #fatjoy #fatselfcare #fatcommunity
I really enjoyed this episode!
1 month ago