2 months ago
There is certainly a lot of pressure on women in music to succeed before they are “too old” and that often comes at the price of feeling like they have to choose between pursuing their dream of music, or giving up to have a family. I’m here to say you don’t have to choose, you can still pursue your passion and have a family, if you want to do it all you can, but only if you want to! Of course the balancing act comes with its challenges, but so do all great feats. Some days it flows and other days it doesn’t, but the fire doesn’t go out and I am choosing to show up. I feel so happy to know my son is growing up witnessing me choose to walk a path of authenticity and shine my light bright as a creative woman. Having my husband and son beside me the whole way cheering me on is honestly the greatest motivator of all! I love that we can celebrate the women at the top of the industry who are mothers as well as powerhouse artists, but my hope is that this same reverence and celebration can extend to the women who are continuing to make music in an industry that tells them they are relevant anymore. It’s just not true! Yes there’s a pushback from the industry, but I don’t make music for the industry, I make music for people! Getting older and becoming a mother can bring such a wealth of wisdom, perspective and insight that can be poured into music to be shared with the world…this is something to be treasured and encouraged, not ignored or cast aside because of a worn out stigma. Here’s some of my favourite mamas making music of you want to check them out! @the.edwina.masson @hannahsandsmusic @elskamusic @iamalysffion @sammiconstantine (mama to be!) My hope is that with enough of us pushing back against the ageism and sexism that is ever so present in the music industry, that one day upcoming artists won’t ever feel the need to suppress their dreams for fear of not being accepted or heard.
2 months ago
2 months ago
Yesss I love this!❤️
2 months ago
🙌🙌🙌 Love this and love YOU woman!
2 months ago