3 months ago
De tu voz salen los colores Del universo Y esos colores son el alimento Para l‘existencia Que somos luz Y es aqui Donde quiero estar junto a ti Sisterhood Through our voices we release the colors of the universe. And those colors are the nourishment For the existence As we are light And it is here where I want to be By your side I honor this time With me With you Together For all The depths and the highs The love and the cries The holdings and being held The feelings and being felt The wild ones the little ones The embracing The eccentric The bold and The crazy Ones I love all these shades In you I love all these shades in me Again and again This is where I want to be Sitting right next to you under our orange tree Te amo hermana de mi corazon
Ohhh, how beautiful this is. Hermanas… How beautiful YOU are. 🌹🥰
3 months ago
❤❤ gracias hermanas so beautiful
3 months ago
love ❤
3 months ago
3 months ago
3 months ago
❤️❤️❤️ wie schön.
3 months ago
Ihr klingt so harmonisch miteinander! Bravo! 👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️🤗
3 months ago
Such beautiful medicine, music! Following now on Spotify and IG. What is the name of this song?
2 months ago