3 months ago
✨WE’RE PENNY LANE CENTERS✨ Our dedicated staff works with clients, professionals, community partners and government agencies to transform the lives of thousands of children, youth and families each year. We offer a continuum of programs in a variety of locations throughout Los Angeles County. We choose to lead with a heart centered culture, to be innovative and to be open as this is at the core of who we are. We understand that kids, families, staff and community all basically want the same thing. Everyone desires the feeling of belonging and connection—a sense of purpose that is recognized and valued by others. We humbly welcome everyone to our circle and embrace, empower, and protect those in need. If you want to get more involved with Penny Lane Centers, check out our website for more information on our open positions, volunteering, donating and ongoing support! ✨✨✨✨ . . #pennylanecenters #community #love #losangelescounty #mentalhealth
I was in a foster home with penny lane in 2010, I was forced onto birth control and threatened to be placed into a group home if I refused, and a penny lane social worker was present for the conversation. I was laughed at when I said I didn’t ever think about s3x or even wanted to have it. It took many medications more than 2-3 years later to get my period to start again, and some years after that I was diagnosed with a reproductive disorder that other foster girls nationally have been diagnosed with after being forced into birth control like I was. When I wrote to Penny lane about this (can’t remember who I wrote to) I was basically told “whoops, that sucks, but it’s not our fault.” I feel like it at LEAST is partially, as it was a foster parent and social worker that you guys trained. It’s just a shame.
1 month ago